
08. - 11.04.2012 Hengelo (NL) - Workshops @ Radar JC

The RADAR youth-center in Hengelo (Netherlands) offers workshop programmes with all Hip Hop elements
荷蘭亨厄洛的青年中心 RADAR提供所有嘻哈元素的工作坊

WOK: Thanks to TIMSKI we had a great time in Hengelo...

Other country, other flavour! Dutch style: A superb welcome dinner in Hengelo; Netherlands !
別的國家, 另一番風味! 荷蘭風格:堂皇晚餐正在荷蘭亨厄洛等候我們!

Graffiti sessions with local painters, various workshops, cooking at the Hip Hop kitchen, conference, presentations, discussions & studio session...

Cooking at the Hip Hop kitchen;
FRIENDLY: Thats one of many walls we painted together with the other young graffiti artists from Germany and the Netherlands...

One of the many paintings of the EU-CN Crew in Hengelo; the backside of a youth-skate park...
EU-CN 團隊在亨厄洛多幅創作的其中一幅, 位於青年滑板場附近
AKIM: We órganized with TIMSKI some EASTERN-Graffiti workshops for kids. The first block was "sketching"...

Eastern special: Graffiti sketch workshop....
..the second: Painting with sprayc cans
 The Chinese guests painted some Wood boards as decoration for this room to leave their mark...

TIMSKI: A local company offeredus this huge wall to paint. This Chinese-Dutch-German collaboration was really apriciated by the neighbors...

Big mural painted by the EU-CN Crew...
EU-CN 團隊創作的大形壁畫

Clever kids ! The results of the Graffiti sketch workshop....

DICKID: Hengelo has a really nice Hip Hop scene and everybody really supported our project !

The EU-CN Crew & the Hengelo Posse... we had a great time !
EU-CN 團隊和亨厄洛的大伙兒, 我們都有過美好的時光!

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