
26.10.2012 Guang Zhou (CN) - Warm up Party @ Loft 345

Hip Hop Workshops and Warm Up Party at LOFT 345
嘻哈 LOFT 345 熱第派對
Hip Hop Warm Up Party @ cultural center "Loft 345"

CREN: Graffiti-Tattoo...everybody liked the idea to get a graffiti tattoo...this broke the eyes and opened many discussions about Hip Hop, China and Europe...

Party people in the house...
TIMSKI doing a sketch for a Chinese graffiti writer...


DICKID: B-Boy action at the "Warm Up" party...! Many of the Guang Zhou Hip Hop community showed up and had a great time....
DOUBLE D: We decorated the club to promote teh Hip Hop Festival on the weekend...

B-Girl cypher to the fullest...

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